Quality for Praim®
Quality for Praim® means providing customers with a superior quality service, and knowing how to achieve a strong and valid internal organisation, with a work team operating in an environment based on values, ethics and respect.
Quality of service
Thanks to the extensive experience gained in the industry and to the quality achieved in all the product lines, Praim® is able to provide a complete comprehensive service that is tailored, not only as regards to the range of products and technical services, but also to provide solutions to every packaging requirement, including a technical advice process furnished by skilled and competent professionals.
Our automatic packaging systems and lines are designed to meet the quality standards required by the market. They are designed and installed based on the specific requests and requirements of the customer, optimising the handling, packaging and storage of any type of product.
Quality policy
Quality Management System ISO9001
With a view to maintaining continuous improvement of the products and services provided, aimed at achieving maximum customer satisfaction, Praim obtained Certification of its Quality Management System, in accordance with the requirements of the standard: UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015